“Paranormal MOPAR”
Megan reached out to #Carshowlife to have her pride & joy included in #Rideoftheweek. Here’s her story on “GhostHunter”.
“I had never really been into cars, until a few years ago. The daughter of a very close family friend ended up being diagnosed with cancer. In response, the family started a fundraising car show called ‘Engines for Emma’. Once I attended the first year’s show, I was hooked.
Specifically, I loved seeing the Mopars. I decided that I needed one ASAP. I did a lot of research and it literally took me over a year to find the specific Charger I wanted.
Once it was in my possession, it was no holds barred on personalizing it! I am a paranormal investigator, so it was only fitting to incorporate that aspect into my car. I think being a female Mopar driver and a Ghosthunter are two characteristics that make my Charger unique.
Some of my mods include:
APR Carbon Fiber Splitter
Custom 20” Marquee Wheels
Lighting Trendz RBG Halo Headlights, Fog lights and Grill Light Bar.
Pypes Cat-Back Exhaust System and Mufflers.
Customized JetHot Dual Exhaust Tips
Billet Technologies Engine Bay Accessories
Custom Hydro-Dipped Engine Bay and Decals
Custom Hood Prop
Customized “GhostHunter” Seat Covers and Floor Mats.
One of my favorite things is going to shows and seeing the reactions of people, especially kids to my “spooky” Charger.”
I was so excited to receive Megan’s message on Facebook and hear her story. I’ll be even more excited when I hear yours. Sent a profile of your car and it’s backstory to info@carshowlife.net to be featured in a future Ride Of The Week!